Rocky River

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Rocky River Recources- click to enlarge
Rocky Map
ODNR Rocky Map
Digital Ortho
Aerial View of Airport
USGS Flow Data
Lorain Co Rainfall
Cuyahoga Co Rainfall

The Sewage Pit... err I mean Rocky River. This is my least favorite Ohio river (and why it is not password protected). The only thing good about the Rocky is that it's close to home. Actually, I always seem to run into a few Chinook in the late fall so I do like the chance of catching something big and different.

Lower Rocky RiverLower Rocky River, just above the I-90 Bridge.

View from below the Brookpark Road BridgeView from below the Brookpark Road Bridge.

Typical Rocky River TributaryHere is a view of a typical Rocky River tributary, I think I saw a few "brown trout" swimming downstream one day, they must have been stockers because all the fins were clipped off. WARNING: if you fish this area be sure to bring a gas mask, it usually stinks bad enough to make me gag.

East Branch Rocky RiverEast Branch Rocky River. This is the first hole below the unpassable Berea Falls.